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Return to work and work productivity in breast cancer: a longitudinal study

Working-age cancer patients face barriers to resuming work after treatment completion. Those resuming work contend with reduced productivity arising from persisting residual symptoms. Existing studies of return to work (RTW) after cancer diagnosis were done predominantly in Western countries. Given that employment and RTW in cancer survivors likely vary regionally due to healthcare provision and social security differences, we documented rates and correlates of RTW, work productivity, and activity impairment among Chinese cancer survivors in Hong Kong at one-year post-treatment.

Of 593 cancer patients who previously worked, 39% (232/593) were working, 26% (153/593) on sick leave, and 35% (208/593) were unemployed at six-months post-cancer treatment. Compared to patients returning to work, unemployed participants were older, likely manual/service-oriented workers, and had lower family income, chemotherapy, fewer unmet health system and information needs, poorer physical functioning, and negative illness perceptions. Sick leave participants were likely service-oriented workers, who had head and neck cancer, chemotherapy, and poor physical functioning. Depressive symptoms, physical symptom distress, and negative illness perceptions predicted presenteeism and work productivity loss at 6-months post-baseline (FU); gynecological cancer, fewer unmet health system and information needs, and greater unmet sexuality needs predicted FU absenteeism; physical symptom distress, negative illness perception, and poor physical functioning predicted FU activity impairment. The findings provided a more comprehensive picture of the RTW experience among local cancer survivors. Those who had more physically demanding jobs and poorer physical functioning delayed RTW.

Unmanaged physical symptom and psychological distress hindered work productivity.

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So, S. C. Y., Ng, D. W. L., Liao, Q., Fielding, R., Soong, I., Chan, K. K. L., ... & Lam, W. W. T. (2022). Return to work and work productivity during the first year after cancer treatment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 866346


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