Our People

HKU JCICC Team are multi-disciplinary. We have advanced nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, dietitians, exercise specialists, registered nurses and social workers.
What we do :
We promote evidence-based symptom assessment and management;
We develop and offer on-site self-care skill and therapeutic interventions for cancer patients and their families/caregivers; and
We develop and offer professional training in psychosocial oncology targeting oncology, nursing, social work, psychology, psychiatry, patient advocacy and other mental health professionals.

Dr. Wendy Lam Wing-tak
Director of the HKU Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care (JCICC);
Associate Professor and Division Head, Division of Behavioural
Sciences, School of Public Health, HKUMed

Ms. Vivian Sin
Nursing Officer

Ms. Wylie Li
Exercise Specialist

Mr. Alfred Ho

Prof. Richard Fielding
Clinical Psychologist

Ms. Gigi Cheung

Mr. Jimmy Wong
Exercise Specialist

Ms. Emily Chu
Social Work Officer