Optimizing treatment decision-making – the role of patient decision aid
Optimizing treatment decision-making – the role of patient decision aid

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CePORT developed and evaluated the Breast Cancer Decision Aid (《選擇乳癌手術—何去何從?》) (supported by Hong Kong Cancer Fund) aiming to help women diagnosed with early breast cancer to make informed treatment decisions by introducing various treatment options and each of their advantages and potential trade-offs.

Our research findings showed the patient decision aids benefit Chinese women with breast cancer by reducing decisional conflict and subsequent regret and depressive symptoms (supported by Health and Medical Research Fund (2009-2010).

Related publications:

Au AHY, Lam WWT, Chan MCM, Or A, Kwong A, Suen D, Wong AL, Juraskova I, Fielding R. Development and pilot-testing of a decision-aid for use among Chinese women facing breast cancer surgery. Health Expectation (2011) 14:405-416

Lam WWT, Chan M, Or A, Kwong A, Suen D, Fielding R. Reducing treatment decision conflict difficulties for breast cancer surgery. A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology (2013) 31 (23):2879-2885