
根據美國身體活動指南諮詢委員會(Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee, 2018)的研究顯示[1],有充分的證據表明體能活動與患乳癌的風險之間存在反向關係。這意味著進行體能活動越多,患乳癌的風險就越低。研究團隊(Wu, Zhang& Kang, 2013)透過分析超過60,000名世界各地的乳癌患者,發現進行適度的體能活動可控制肥胖和身體激素分泌,從而降低患乳癌的風險[2]。

儘管現時的科學研究尚未完全解釋體能活動如何降低患乳癌的風險,但普遍認為進行適量的體能活動可減低體內脂肪,改變脂肪因子水平從而降低身體激素(雌激素,瘦素和胰島素等)的產生,降低患乳癌的風險[3, 4]。對於更年期過後的女士,脂肪細胞有更大機會令身體激素水平上升。所以控制體重及減少脂肪積聚對降低患乳癌的風險至為重要。


1. 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. (2018). 2018 Physical activity guidelines advisory committee scientific report. In :. US Department of Health and Human Services.
2. Wu, Y., Zhang, D., & Kang, S. (2013). Physical activity and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 137(3), 869-882.
3. Cleary, M. P., & Grossmann, M. E. (2009). Obesity and breast cancer: the estrogen connection. Endocrinology, 150(6), 2537-2542.
4. Friedenreich, C. M. (2010). Physical activity and breast cancer: review of the epidemiologic evidence and biologic mechanisms. In Clinical Cancer Prevention (pp. 125-139). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.